Razstava zDRAVO
The lowland Drava region between Selnica ob Dravi and the national border at Središče ob Dravi is one of the most ecologically significant areas in Slovenia due to its exceptional biodiversity. It has been designated as a Natura 2000 site, encompassing the Drava River and its floodplain, which still retains some floodplain forests and the characteristic cultural landscape of the floodplain world. However, intensive agricultural use and urbanization are increasingly encroaching upon this area. The region is highly complex, both in terms of its ecological significance and the numerous activities or undesirable impacts affecting its natural state. The key factor enabling the development and preservation of diverse habitats—and thus the area's high biodiversity—is the hydrological regime of the river. However, hydroelectric exploitation of the Drava River has altered its water regime, leading to the degradation of habitats and the decline of many species that inhabit them. Today, their preservation depends on active intervention and appropriate management to mitigate the effects of hydrological changes on natural processes and address the impacts of unsuitable activities and developments in the floodplain area.
The zDRAVO exhibition at Borl Castle emphasizes the Drava River's vital importance to human life. Its dynamics and processes shape human existence and create a variety of habitats that support an impressive diversity of plant and animal species.
The exhibition presents the river and life along its banks in five thematic sections: The River as Flowing Water, The River as a Shaper, When the River’s Flow Calms, When the River Overflows, The River Beneath Our Feet. Each section highlights river processes, introduces plant and animal species and their habitats, and explores what the river offers. It also reminds us of the threats the river faces and invites us to take action together!
Guiding us through the exhibition is Zlatko Šoder, a gravel stone from the Drava River, a nature lover, and a passionate admirer of the river and everything related to it. Fascinated by the river's power to shape the environment, the living world along its banks, and the relationship between people and the river, Zlatko spends all his free time exploring the Drava. We invite you to explore the Drava too, both in the exhibition at Borl Castle and at interpretive points along the river.
Photo: Stanko Kozel