Apple Trail

Apple Trail

The apple tree is the most widespread and most important fruit species in Selnica Valley and on the surrounding hills. For centuries before us, the people of Selnica massively planted apple trees on their plantations and gardens. Very early in the day they learned of all the good properties of homemade apples, which are of different shapes, sizes and colours, as well as of hundreds of noble sweet-sour flavours. Set out to the Apple Trail and get to know all the secrets of apples.

Walking or cycling along the Apple Trail is suitable for family trips, groups, and individuals, as it runs along a plain field and does not require physical effort. On the way the walkers meet local suppliers (fruit growers, goat breeders, lumberjacks, etc.). If the visitors are announced in advance, a tasting of local products can be arranged, a visit to see the processing of sheep wool near Soven, a visit to the Technical Museum of the Fala Thermal Power Plant, which received the Slovenian Heritage Protection Prize in 2014, or the visitors learn about local culinary delights such as ‘loparošnica’.