Obvoz zaradi izgradnje Ruškega mostu / Detour due to the construction of the Ruše Bridge
Zaradi izgradnje mostu v Rušah je Dravska kolesarska pot speljana od HE Fala do Ruš po državni cesti.
Na 2. etapi: Radlje ob Dravi – Maribor, takoj ko se pripeljemo iz Činžata, kjer pod zavije proti HE Fala, kamor se sicer kolesarji lahko zapeljejo vse do Selnice ob Dravi po jabolčni poti in zatem nazaj do te točke, je Dravska kolesarska pot začasno speljana desno po državni cesti do Ruš.
V Rušah nas obvoz pelje levo proti železniški progi in zatem do Športnega parka Ruše, kjer ponovno pridemo do počivališča Drava Bike v Rušah in pot nadaljujemo po kolesarski avtocesti do Limbuša.
Due to the construction of the bridge in Ruše, the Drava cycling route runs from HPP Fala to Ruše along the main road.
On the 2nd stage: Radlje ob Dravi - Maribor, as soon as we arrive from Činžat, where the route turns towards HPP Fala, cyclist can use this route over the HPP Fala to Selnica ob Dravi along the Apple trail and than back to this point, is the Drava cycling route temporarily diverted to the right, along the state road to Ruše. In Ruše, the detour leads to the left in the direction of the railroad line and then to Športni park ruše, where we reach the Drava Bike rest area and continue on the bike path to Limbuš.
1. Pri HE Fala zavijemo desno po državni cesti proti Rušam. / At HPP Fala, turn right onto the main road to Ruše.
46.544685, 15.447457
2.V Rušah zavijemo levo proti železniški progi. / In Ruše, turn left towards the railway line.
46.536777, 15.498553
3. Pot nadaljujemo naravnost proti železniški progi. / We continue our journey straight towards the railway line.
46.541356, 15.505941
4. Ko pridemo do počivališča Drava Bike, pot nadaljujemo po kolesarski poti do Limbuša. / When we reach the Drava Bike rest area, we continue along the bike path to Limbuš.
46.543196, 15.510083