Pesnica Cycling Route
A circular cycling route through the picturesque wine-growing region of Slovenske Gorice.
The starting-point of the trip is the fruit market in Pesnica. After a short ride by the main road in the direction of Maribor turn into the valley Dobrenjska dolina. Using the road bridge towards Ranc cross the motorway, and after that the railway and the "old" road toward Šentilj. After descending into Vajgen continue your way along the valley past orchards all the way to Jareninski dvor, where you turn left towards Šentilj. After a steep descent to Zgornji Jakobski dol you get to the last ascent on Hlapje, which is planted with vineyards. Among beautiful vineyards, vinedresser’s cottages and vineyard cottages there is a narrow road wending its way to Mulec chapel. Descend to the Vogrin windmill and continue past Johannes (a statue on the way) through Vukovska dolina along the milk road to Pernica. Soon you will pass the lake Perniško jezero and the orchards Cesaričini sadovnjaki on your left. The last part of the trail runs down the peaceful valley Gačniška dolina to the centre of Pesnica, where you started your trip over Slovenske gorice.