Old Vine Route
A path dedicated to the famous oldest vine in the world.
Maribor is the city of the oldest vine in the world, Stara trte, which also has its own cycling route.
We start our journey at the TIC Maribor, from where we go through the city on Lent to the Old Vine, the oldest vine in the world, where we also stop at the temple of wine culture, the House of the Old Vine. Then we head along the embankment of the Drava River to Malečnik, where an adventurous ride over Vodole awaits us, past the Sončni raj estate, where you can strengthen yourself at the Wine Fountain and enjoy the zipline Flight of the Bees. After that, you continue across Ruperče, past Pernica and Lake Pernica to Jarenina and Jareninski dvor, where we treat ourselves to a tour and a stop at the Dveri-pax wine cellar. Return via Gačnik to Pesnica and across the Košaški Klanec along the Šentiljska road back to TIC Maribor.