Complete closure due to the reconstruction of the bridge in Ruše.
In 2021, the Directorate of Infrastructure of the Republic of Slovenia started the reconstruction of the bridge over the Drava River between Selnica ob Drava and Ruše. During the works, the bridge will be completely closed, from May 31, 2021 to the fall of 2022. During the complete closure, pedestrians and cyclists will not be able to cross the bridge. For cyclists on the Drava cycle route, a detour is planned from the Castle of Fala along the Ruše–Puščava regional road to Ruše.
Reconstruction of the bridge over the river Drava between Selnica ob Drava and Ruše
At the end of May ob 2021, the Directorate of Infrastructure of the Republic of Slovenia started the reconstruction of the bridge over the Drava River between Selnica ob Drava and Ruše on road R2-435, section 1439. During the work, the bridge will be completely closed from 31 May 2021 onwards.
The Directorate of Infrastructure of the Republic of Slovenia regularly monitors the state of bridging facilities on state roads and plans rehabilitation in accordance with their state. For the bridge over the Drava, which is located on the Ruše-Selnica ob Drava regional road, as part of the reconstruction of the bridge, an extension is planned with a sidewalk on one side and a two-way bicycle path on the other side, which will be part of the Drava cycling route. Such an extension affects the static system of the building, which means that it is a very demanding project. For this reason, construction will take about a year and a half, which means the completion of construction in the fall of 2022.
Due to the construction of a bicycle path and a sidewalk, the bridge needs to be widened, which affects the static system of the building. The change of the static system means an exception to the demanding intervention in the structure itself, which requires a complete standstill of the building, which can only be ensured when the bridge is completely closed. Only under the complete closure of the bridge will it be possible to manufacture the so-called pre-tensioned transverse anchors and longitudinal cables, as well as chambers for the struts, which are necessary for the installation (pre-tensioning and anchoring) of the steel cables that are part of the building's support system, the construction of consoles and plates above the longitudinal beams, as even just expanding the facility. At the same time, the concreting of the longitudinal supports, due to the high-quality hardening of the concrete, requires complete rest without vibrations caused by traffic. This also applies to the installation of expansion joints and the static strengthening of beams and the existing slab. Thus, the complete closure of the bridge is necessary for the professional and high-quality implementation of the planned interventions, which is the goal of both the client (Directorate of the Republic of Slovenia for Infrastructure) and the contractor.
The Directorate of Infrastructure of the Republic of Slovenia, as a road manager, is aware that this bridge is an important connection both for the local population and the economy, as well as for the wider area, which is why it strove for an optimal solution regarding the change in the traffic regime during the reconstruction of the bridge. Several variants were studied. One of them was the option of directing traffic via a temporary prefabricated steel bridge (Mabey), which turned out to be unfeasible, since the prefabricated steel bridge, whose roadway width is 4.20 meters, allows one-way alternating traffic. The maximum possible range of one field depends on the maximum permitted traffic load and in a specific case is a maximum of 40 meters. Next to the existing bridge, bridging the Drava would therefore require 3 temporary prefab steel bridges Mabey and the associated construction of at least two intermediate supports in the Drava river bed, which practically means an additional bridge, which is also impractical in terms of location. The current position of the bridge is optimal and after the reconstruction it will be an even more beautiful example of thoughtfully placed engineering construction. Even the detour via the Falska Pečina turned out to be less suitable, since the road elements on this section are less favorable, the travel speed is lower, and the flow of traffic is worse.
During the complete closure, traffic will be guided along the marked detour: Seen from the direction of Ruš along Tovarniška cesta and along regional road R2-435, section 1431 Maribor–Ruše via the towns of Bezena, Bistrica ob Drava and Limbuš. The detour will continue along the main road G1-1, section Maribor (Koroški most)–Cesta proletarskih brigades over the Caroški most bridge, where it will be diverted at the roundabout to the main road G1-1, section 0245 Ruta–Maribor (Koroški most) to Selnica along the Drava.
During the complete closure, pedestrians and cyclists will not be able to cross the bridge. For cyclists on the Drava cycle route, a detour is planned from Grado Fala along regional road R3-705, section 1432 Ruše–Puščava to Ruš.
All users are requested to follow the information on the state of the roads, which is available within the framework of the Traffic Information Center for State Roads (, telephone 1970).
We thank all users for their understanding and patience.