Drava Festival 2019
This year, the fourth Drava Festival will take place from May 18th to July 14th, 2019. This year’s festival will also be a conglomerate of unified experiences promoting educational and environmental as well as recreational and tourist events, which will be organized by diverse societies and other organizations on and along the Drava River.
The Drava Festival wants to bring the Drava River, and its many features, closer to local inhabitants, raise awareness of the healthy and quality living environment that the river makes possible, and the importance of its preservation. At the same time, it wants to connect both individuals and providers of diverse services or products, thus stimulating cooperation for joint sustainable development and promotion of the Drava River area in Slovenia. The festival is coordinated by the Initiative for Drava organisation, which includes the RDA Koroška - Regional Development Agency for Koroška, the Maribor - Pohorje Tourist Board, the Inter-municipal Office for the Protection of the Environment and Nature Conservation, the Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Nature Conservation Maribor and the Iskriva, Institute for Development of Local Potentials.
This year will mark the fourth year that the Drava Festival will take place, and, though it will host fewer events than previous years, will still last for two months. Members of the Initiative for Drava organisation decided to give priority to the quality of the festival and events, which is why this year the festival includes events that are better placed and are fully linked to events by or on the Drava River. Consequently, with fewer options, visitors will have an easier time making decisions and events will be better attended. We are also pleased to have Austrian partners joining the festival this year. The Drava Festival will be held in three countries along the Drava River for the first time. We hope that the festival will continue to gain importance on an international level in the future.