Preskoči na glavno vsebino
Drava Bike

Interpretation of nature

Drava Natura 2000

The nature interpretation plan in the Natura 2000 Drava area was created in the process of cross-sectoral cooperation of experts and local stakeholders and represents a comprehensive concept and the basis for targeted planning of quality interpretation of nature in the Natura 2000 area along the Drava river. The interpretation of direct project activities, addressed species and biotic diversity of the Natura 2000 Drava area is concentrated along the Drava and the Drava cycle path.


The interpretation of direct project activities, addressed species and biotic diversity of the Natura 2000 Drava area is concentrated along the Drava and the Drava cycle path.

With the entire plan, they want to qualitatively interpret and emphasize the importance of naturally preserved dynamic rivers, the Drava River and its natural processes, as well as the related biodiversity. At the same time, they want to shed light on the effects of human interference in the river space and the positive effects of man's prudent handling of the space. Visitors will be introduced to nature and 4 habitat types and 11 plant and animal species, the river and riparian ecosystem of the Drava River and its changes throughout history with interpretation units.

The interpretation is carried out with different interpretation units: interpretation points, interpretation polygons with innovative information and interpretation boards, educational paths with viewing and observation points and a rest area and information centers are established. Visiting the interpretation units is free for visitors.

1. Interpretation polygon DRAVA NATURA 2000 Limbuš

A dynamic river creates space for the lively life of amphibians.

A test of the operation of natural processes on the river playground and a demonstration of their impact on life by the river and the consequences of our interventions in the space.

2. Interpretation polygon DRAVA NATURA 2000 Duplek

The power of the river is reflected in the diversity of river material and habitats.

A playful presentation of the river as a carrier of river material and creator of geo and biodiversity.

3. Interpretation point DRAVA NATURA 2000 Miklavški potok

Protecting animal and plant species also protects our lives.

Understanding why species conservation is important to human well-being.

4. Learning path DRAVA NATURA 2000 Starše

The gold of our river is not only measured in carats.

Learning about the importance of biotic diversity for ecosystem stability and studying biotic diversity in nearby natural and artificial river and riparian ecosystems.

5. Interpretation point DRAVA NATURA 2000 Vurberk

An engineer with an ear for the river can once again build his home in this bow.

Arousing interest in getting to know the Dravska loka and awareness that the beaver habitat was and can be here in the future.

6. Interpretation point DRAVA NATURA 2000 Zlatoličje

The river deepens, grinds, carries away and brings - what about man?

Demonstration of natural river processes and structures and presentation of the possibilities of conatural management.

7. Interpretation point DRAVA NATURA 2000 Hajdina

When a mosaic is laid out in the landscape, it is written well by living creatures.

The importance of the traditional cultural landscape, where man has contributed to biotic diversity through thoughtful management.

8. Interpretation Center DRAVA NATURA 2000 Ptuj

Drava has always shaped people's lives.

Presentation of the life of the Drava River and the changes of the Drava River Corridor throughout history, with the promotion of sustainable future use, which will contribute to the preservation of habitats and species.

9. Learning path DRAVA NATURA 2000 Šturmovec

Man changes the landscape by interfering with nature. Does he threaten or protect her?

Presentation of a specific pattern of the agricultural landscape and changes in the landscape due to human intervention in the river area on the example of the Šturmovec Landscape Park.

10. Interpretation point DRAVA NATURA 2000 Muretinci

"Natives" feel with the space, "foreigners" thrive in it and displace native species.

Awareness of the importance of native animal species using the example of the marsh bowl and the problems that can be caused by non-native species.

11. Interpretation point DRAVA NATURA 2000 Gorišnica

Not every forest is a welcome guest.

Awareness of the importance of indigenous plant species and the problems caused by plantations of non-native tree species.

12. Interpretation point DRAVA NATURA 2000 at the Pesnica estuary

Where does the otter catch its dinner?

Awareness of the presence of the otter and the necessity of natural management of the passage between the Drava River and its tributaries.

13. Interpretation Center DRAVA NATURA 2000 Ormož Basins Nature Reserve

Discover the world along the Drava River

Experiencing the richness of life along the Drava River and the flood plain between Maribor and Središč ob Drava. A preserved natural river can offer us the most!. How can we help her preserve the river space?

14. Interpretation polygon DRAVA NATURA 2000 Ormož Basins Nature Reserve

Some need flooded residences, others protect themselves from flooding.

Presentation of bird habitats and the ecology of species - ptarmigan, otter, beaver. An opportunity for sensory observation and learning about habitats and species and the relationships between them.

15. DRAVA NATURA 2000 Interpretation Center Središče ob Dravi

Locals know that when the river calms down, the flood plain comes to life.

The connection of the place with the river Drava and the importance of the floodplain. A sense of connection between floodplain forest, species and man.

16. Interpretation polygon DRAVA NATURA 2000 Središče ob Dravi

The floodplain forest is a testament to the diversity of life.

The natural playground offers space for movement and getting to know the floodplain forest and plant and animal species along the river.


The exhibition zDRAVO at Borl Castle emphasizes that the Drava River is extremely important for people's lives, with its dynamics and processes it shapes their lives and creates diverse living environments with a great variety of plant and animal species.

That is why we present the river and life along it in five sections:

A river is flowing water,

River designer,

When the river flow calms down,

The river overflows its banks,

The river is also under our feet.

Inside each of them, we shed light on river processes, present plant and animal species and their habitats, then show what the river has to offer, remind that the river is under threat and invite us to take action together! Zlatko Šoder accompanies us through the exhibition.



Visitors will get to know a unique guide - Zlatko Šodra, who guides viewers along the Drava River by describing the interesting and special features of the Drava River and life in and along it in a sympathetic way.

Zlatko Šoder is the personified Drava pebble, an atypical modern-day teenager, golden-haired, a little round (pebble) boy who prefers to spend his time in nature rather than on a tablet. He is a lover of nature and the Drava River and everything related to it. He is proud of his name and likes to point out that he and Drava are on you.

Zlatko knows the Drava and its nature intimately, but she also knows where viewers can find out more; in centers, on learning paths and on interesting playgrounds that describe the Drava and its nature.